I have to get 50FPP's every day for the rest of the month to get iron man (which will be the first time ever!) so I am trying to grind it out each night as fast as I can (time isn't a luxury I enjoy). Played 10NL rush, and it went well again. Picked up one and a half buy ins in 700 hands. It was again a lot of small pots and a few medium pots. I 2 biggest pots were 60BB and 40BB. The game is ripe for light 3 betting, but it is a double edged sword, as if you loose 1 big pot it will take FOREVER to win it back. If someone were to sit down and take notes on player tendancies though, it could be brutal. I was actually a little tighter last night as I wasn't on my A game, but it was still a good session. I am definately solidifying my approach to the game, which consists of a lot of bluff catching, occasional 3 betting and bluffs to take pots away.
One of the most interesting aspects of the last two sessions is that I have started to open with the pot button instead of my standard 3X. My C-bet success has increased from around 40% to around 60%. I had always wanted to do a study of the effect of open sizes over a significant sample, and while I realize that my sample sizes are pretty small, I am seriously thinking about 3Xing my monsters and 3.5Xing my more marginal hands. I am also thinking that I need to stop 3 betting AA/KK. At most I get a call fold, but usually I just take down the pot pre-flop. With the 3 bet success rate, it is probably better to bluff more often than value 3 bet.
And finally, I got into a pretty solid set mining discussion at 2P2 yesterday, and I am going to hammer out some numbers in common situations today with JH1, which has me stoked. Their are a lot of situations where I think it is profitable to set mine that most others disagree with, and it will be nice to get some numbers and back and forth going on the subject. I think that I am probably set mining in a few bad spots, but I also think conventional wisdom is causing people to pass up good spots, and I haven't ever seen an actual in depth look at the subject, which really baffles me.
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How many months in a row have you qualified for Iron Man? I am looking for another player / blogger to exchange Iron Man points for $$$. Drop me a line if you're interested. My email is ThePokerMeisterTPM@gmail.com. If you're interested in how it works, check it out here "http://lowstakeshands.blogspot.com/2010/01/iron-man-bonus-follow-up.html". We can trade $75 tokens or $26 tokens - your choice!