Well, the last couple of sessions have been pretty good. I won a little over 2 buy ins in each, and am feeling better. I had developed a MUBS mentality that had cost me a little bit, as I didn't go for stacks against a couple of NITs. Of course, they both showed up with AK on an Axx board and decided to play a big pot when I had bottom set. It feels so much better playing now that I am making progress. I was worried that I would have to cheat on my prop bet by playing 10NL to pad the win rate the way things were going, but unless I get another train wreck, that shouldn't be an issue.
I am almost on track for my prop bet this month, with just under 19,000 hands played. It's good to not feel the pressure to get more hands in, but I will probably try to get this mostly complete this week so I don't stress at the end of the month. I am also thinking about getting back into rush, just because I can get more hands in and make those quality hands. Still not sure though, as it is so nice to always have a target at the table.
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8 months ago